Late to Close Monitoring
If your alarm has not been turned on by its expected time, Late to Close Monitoring alerts us so we can take a closer look. This may mean following up to ensure that if staff are working late, they are safe, or that someone simply forgot to set the alarm.
Open Out of Hours Monitoring
If your alarm is turned off outside normal operating hours, we will be alerted. This is a good way to ensure that staff are only onsite during work hours, as well as ensuring their safety in the event of a forced deactivation by a third party. This option is popular with our customers as they can inform staff that the alarms are being monitored for both positive and negative events. We will also be alerted if staff forget to activate the alarm.
Late to Open Monitoring
If your business is meant to be open by a certain time, and it isn't, we'll receive an alert and then let you know..