BK Security specialises in providing Intercom Communication Systems to shopping centres, apartment complexes, corporate offices and commercial centres.

Intercoms are often a requirement for buildings where staff need to grant access to visitors, couriers and tradesmen. We understand that our customers all have individual access requirements. Whether you require a simple stand alone system for a single entry point or a complex multi-access installation with IT and phone system integration, you can rely on BK Security to find the most reliable and flexible solution. 

Our comprehensive range of Intercom Communication Systems include:

•  IP and VoIP Intercoms using existing network infrastructure
•  IP Phone System Integration
•  Telephonic Intercoms (where traditional wiring is impractical or has failed)
•  GSM Intercoms (where traditional and telephonic systems cannot be used)
•  2-wire Analog System (to upgrade and replace older systems using existing wiring)